Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Earth is Flat....

but despite the lack of posts I have not yet fallen off the edge. Perhaps you are wondering where I have been for the past 3 months. Well let me tell you....

I have been in a place where a backpack is the perfect accessory for every outfit. Where instead of a wallet and a cell phone you bring a Bible and a wristband every where you go. A land of Egor buckets and flag belts, and a place where EVERYONE knows you. Modesty always trumps fashion and slushies are most definitely a major food group. You work 15 hour days without a paycheck and golf carts are the fastest mode of transportation. Prayer, reading, and time alone with God replace ipods, TV, and game systems. Cheagles exist, teachable moments abound, taxidermy is the decoration of choice, and a one-on-one is ALWAYS a private conversation in a public place.
I love this place. It goes by the name of Camp Barakel (a name found in the book of Job) and it means "where God has blessed". God most certainly blessed me there this summer and even more amazingly worked through me to bless the lives of the 80 some girls I had the joy of counseling.

The summer is now over and I am currently on a new adventure, but I feel that I first should chronicle my summer as a Camp Counselor. So please check back for fun stories, crazy situations and tales of Gods amazing love and grace.


Keke said...

Beautiful girl, so glad to see this post. Missed you. Check out mine, I did a tribute to you.

Hope you are blessed and well!


Grace said...

This sums up the summer so well. =) I'll miss it tremendously, as I'm missing you. Good to remember that God doesn't change even when places do! And people, and circumstances...